The Sleeping Porter

The Sleeping Porter


Q. 1. Who is challenging the mountain ?

Ans. The brave porter is challenging the mountain.

Q. 2. What type of cap is the ‘Porter wearing’?

Ans. He is wearing a dirty-black cap.

Q.3. What type of smell does the porter emit ?

Ans. The porter emits a sulphur-like sour smell.

Q.4. What is there on the cliff ?

Ans. There is a hut on the cliff of a steep rock.

Q.5. What is the mother searching ?

Ans. The mother is searching for nettles and vines.

Q.6. Who is the hero of the mountain ?

Ans. The porter is the hero of the mountain.

Q. 7. Who is reigning over the rich-kingdom of sleep ?

Ans. The porter is reigning over the rich-kingdom of sleep.

Q. 8. What is the problem of his son ?

Ans. He is shivering with cold and suffering from hunger.

Q.9. How much load does the porter have on his back ?

Ans. A twenty-five kilo load the porter have on his back.

Q.10. What distance does the porter cover in the snows of winter ?

Ans. The porter covers a six-mile distance in the snows of winter.

Q. 11. What is meant by lid of night ?

Ans. ‘Lid of night’ means the stars are the blankets which cover the porter in his protection.

Q. 12. Which type of body does the porter possess ?

Ans. He emits a sulphur-like sour smell but his body is very strong. He is naked but remains healthy and strong.

Q. 13. Why is the Porter out of breath ?

Ans. The porter has to climb the mountain with a heavy load on his back. He also pants and sweats because he discharges a tiring work. This is why the porter is out of breath.

Q.14. A mother is searching for nettles and vines who is she? Why is she searching such things?

Ans. She is porter’s wife. She is searching for nettles (stinging plant) and vines (the creeper which bears grap facing cold and hunger.

Q.15. How Sleeping Porter is the hero of the mountain ?

Ans. A person who is determined for his goal, he must get it with hard labour. In such a situation difficulties often hurdles in the way. The porter labours hard. He never get tired and at last raches up the mountain, this, proves to be the hero of the mountain.

Q. 16. What is the main theme of the poem The Sleeping Porter ?

Ans. The poem presents tribulations and trials by a poor por ter. He is very stout’ and continues in his work. His hard labour doesn’t provide his family a livelihood. He has a strong body but dull mind. The poet wants to say that a dull mind can be fruitful. everyone must have a good mind, then hard labour gives all things what are needed.

Q.17. The poet has focused on trials and tribulations of the porter. Elucidate.

Ans. In the poem ‘The Sleeping Porter the poet has focused the trouble and trial of the porter. He is poor enough. He has to carry loads on his back to the mountain. There are snows all around but he doesn’t care and faces such troubles bare body. Although he labours toil and moil, yet he is unable to fulfil needs of his family.

Q.18. Determination, hard work and continuity win the race. Do you agree? Write your opinions with reference to the poem “The Sleeping Porter ?

Ans. Yes, I agree. A person who is determined for his goal, he must gets it. For the goal he has to labour hard. In such a situation difficulties often hurdles in the way. In the same way the porter labours hard. He never tired and at last reach his destination.

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