Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time


Q.1. Why are the young visitors reprimanded in ‘Once Upon a Time’?

Ans⇒ The young visitors are reprimanded by the old woman because they misuse their power to ridicule her. They are told that they are responsible not only of mockery but also for the sacrifice of the innocent bird to achieve their aim.

Q.2. Where does the old woman live?:

Ans⇒ The old woman lives alone in a small house outside of town.

Q.3. Why did some young people visit her?

Ans⇒ One day some young people visit her because they wanted to prove that she is a fraud who cheats people. They believed that she does not really have the power of seeing in the mind the events of the future.

Q.4. What does the old woman know about the young people.in ‘Once Upon a Time’?

Ans⇒ The old woman cannot see her visitors because she is blind. She does not know their colour, gender or homeland. She does not know what is in their hands. She only knows that they want to mock her.

Q.5. How is her reputation for wisdom ? Or, How was the old woman ? Write in short about the wisdom of the old woman.

Ans⇒ The old woman was blind but wise. The woman was reputed for wisdom without peer and without question. She was both the low and its transgression among her people.

Q.6. What does ‘bird’ and ‘woman’signify to the speaker in “Once Upon a Time’?

Ans⇒ In the speech ‘Once Upon a Time’, ‘bird’ and ‘woman’ are used as symbols by the speaker, Toni Morrison. The “bird’ in the hand of one of the young visitors signifies ‘language’. The ‘woman’, who is famous for her wisdom, signifies a ‘practised writer’

Q. 7. Enumerate the traits of the old woman.

Ans⇒ The old woman was blind but wise. She was the daughter of a black American. She lived alone in a small house outside of town. She was famous for her wisdom. Among her people she was highly respected as a rural prophet. When she was visited by some young people, she showed her wisdom.

Q.8. What is her position in the neighbourhood?

Ans⇒ She is highly respected in the neighbourhood. Among her people, she is regarded as a rural prophet. She is both the law and its transgression. Nobody questions her wisdom and predictions.

Q.9. Do you think that language is crucial to a writer? Give any three reasons.

Ans⇒ Language is crucial to a writer because it enables him to communicate. He can express his thoughts, ideas and feelings through language. The proper usage of language can enable him to bring about changes and revolution in the world. It can entertain and instruct the readers. It can enable them to see without pictures.

Q. 10. Quote a few lines from the text which highlights the plight of woman and depressed classes?

Ans⇒ In the piece ‘Once Upon a Time’, Tony Morrison has depicted the miserable condition of the women and poor people of America. The following lines highlight the plight of woman and the depressed classes :
“The woman is the daughter of slaves, black American, and lives alone in a small house outside of town.”
“I am old, female, black, blind,”

Q.11. Who is the father of that old woman?

Ans⇒ The father of the old woman is a slave, black American.

Q.12. What is the better, Town life or Country life?

Ans⇒ It is my view that country life is the home of pleasure. There we do not get any anxiety. We do not face any limitations. Nearness to nature can give us healthy, wealthy and all pleasures.

Q.13. How was the old woman ?

Ans⇒ The old woman was blind but wise.

Q. 14. Is this folk lore prevalent in one culture or many?

Ans⇒ This folk lore is prevalent in many cultures.

Q.15. What does the old woman know about those people?

Ans⇒ The old woman knows that they have come to prove her a fraud.

Q. 16. For what are the young visitors reprimanded?

Ans⇒ For parading their power and her helplessness, the young visitors are reprimanded.

Q. 17. What does the old woman know about the young people who visit her?

Ans⇒ The old woman cannot see her visitors because she is blind. She does not know their colour, gender or homeland. She does not know what is in their hands. She only knows that they want to mock her, throng her language.

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