Acceptance Speech

Acceptance Speech


Q. 1. Who delivered the ‘Acceptance Speech’ on behalf of Aung Suu Kyi?

Ans⇒ Alexander Aris, the son of Aung San Suu Kyi delivered the ‘Acceptance Speech’ on behalf of her.

Q. 2. Why had Alexander Aris accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of his mother?

Ans⇒ Alexander Aris had accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of his mother, Aung San Suu Kyi, because she was imprisoned in her country for pro-democracy agitation:

Q.3. What does Aris say about the fight going on in Rangoon?

Ans⇒ Aris says that the lonely struggle taking place in a heavily guarded compound in Rangoon is a part of the much larger struggle, worldwide, for the emancipation of the human spirit from political tyranny and psychological subjection.

Q. 4. What does Aris say about the fight going on in Rangoon?

Ans⇒ Aris says that the lonely struggle taking place in a heavily guarded compound in Rangoon is a part of the much larger struggle, worldwide, for the emancipation of the human spirit from political tyranny and psychological subjection.

Q. 5. Peace, freedom and democracy are essential for human being. Do you agree? Give your own opinion?

Ans⇒ Peace, freedom and democracy are essential for human beings. The citizens of a country cannot live properly unless there is internal and external peace. They cannot make progress if they do not enjoy freedom. They need a democratic way of life for the pursuit of their aims and dreams.

Q. 6. What is more precious than diamond or silver or gold?

Ans⇒ The beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace is more precious than diamond or silver or gold. Diamond, silver and gold are precious metals but they cannot make the world a happier place to live in. Genuine brotherhood and peace are more necessary than these material things for the survival of the human race..

Q. 7. Who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1951? When was the “Acceptance Speech’ delivered?

Ans⇒ Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the National League for Democracy in Burma, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1951. The “Acceptance Speech’ was delivered in Oslo on December 10, 1951 on the occasion of the award of the Nobel Pease Prize.

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Q. 8. “And no one must underestimate that plight” which plight Aris refers to? Explain.

Ans⇒ In the piece ‘Acceptance Speech’, Alexander Aris is referring to the plight of the people of Burma. Aris says that the personal sacrifice of his mother symbolises the plight of all the people of Burma.

Q.9.“The beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace being more precious than diamond or silver or gold.” Why does Aris claim so? Do you agree with him?

Ans⇒ In the ‘Acceptance Speech’, Alexander Aris refers to Martin Luther King Jr. He says that Martin Luther King Jr. was right that the beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace is more precious than diamond or silver or gold. Diamond, gold and silver are costly but they cannot alone bring about happiness in the world.

Q. 10. Who were incarcerated in the struggle for peace, freedom and democracy?

Ans⇒ The many senior and highly respected leaders besides the narrator’s mother were incáracerted in the struggle for peace, freedom and democracy.

Q.11. The Nobel Peace Prize belongs not only to Aung San Suu Kyi but to all the men, women and children of Burma. Why does Aris say so?

Ans⇒ Alexander Aris says that the Nobel Peace Prize belongs not only to his mother, but to all the men, women and children of Burma because all the people of Burma have been sacrificing their freedom and their lives in pursuit of a democratic Burma.

Q. 12. Why has the international community applauded the Nobel Peace Prize Committee ?

Ans⇒ The international community has applauded the Nobel Peace Prize Committee for the choice of the committee for the Prize. The U.N.O. passed a historic resolution for her early release from detention.

Q. 13. Why does Aris say that the Nobel Prize for Peace belongs to all the people of Burma ?

Ans⇒ Aris says that the Nobel Prize for Peace belongs not only to his mother but to all the people of Burma. He says so because all the men, women and children of Burma had been sacrificing their well-being, freedom and lives for a democractic Burma.

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