Vishwakarma Puja 2020
1) Vishwakarma Puja is also known as Vishwakarma Day or Vishwakarma Jayanti.
2) Vishwakarma Puja is celebrated every year in September Month.
3) In 2022, this Puja is held on 17th September, Saturday.
4) This Puja is popular among engineers, industries, craftsmen, mechanics, architectural, communities, etc.
5) Mechanics and Craftsmen and all workers pray their tools for their better future.
6) Idols, Photograph and Posters of Vishwakarma are established at factories and workplaces for praying.
7) A day after Diwali, on Govardhan Puja, Vishwakarma Puja is also marked.
8) Mechanics closes their workplaces for 2 -3 days.
9) All workers participate in the Pooja.
10) Foods and Gifts are distributed among the workers by some factories.